Unpacking the 8 Ways

Teaching and Learning using Aboriginal Pedagogy from Western NSW

Facilitated by Worimi–Biripi Man, Uncle Wayne Anderson
About the 8 Ways
Recommended Resources

Unpacking The 8 Ways

This deep dive into the 8 Aboriginal Ways of Thinking facilitated by Worimi-Biripi man Uncle Wayne Anderson, will guide your reflection about different elements of the 8 Ways developed as a pedagogy framework native to the Western Region of NSW, and how they can be implemented in our day to day practice.

$495.00 AUD

Register Now for the Unpacking the 8 Ways Webinar Series

As part of an ongoing collaboration with Worimi-Biripi man, Uncle Wayne Anderson, we are delighted to facilitate this deep dive into the 8 Ways, a pedagogy framework native to the Western Region of NSW. This framework was developed using Aboriginal teaching and learning methods, in order to embed Culture in our everyday ways of thinking and being.

"Every place, every People, has its own unique pedagogies. These 8 simple ones are merely a starting point for dialogue. Each school will engage in a different way, and can produces its own unique frameworks for Aboriginal education through dialogue with the community about local ways of doing things."

- 8 Ways Online (https://www.8ways.online/about)

Over the course of 2025, Uncle Wayne will lead ten 90 minute sessions - that comes to a total of 15 hours! - unpacking the eight methods which make up the 8 Ways pedagogy, and developing practical strategies around how they can be implemented in our day to day practice.

When will each session be available?

Although live attendance is definitely recommended (it is a great opportunity to feel connected!), we understand that you may not be able to make it along – things happen! A recording of the live session will be uploaded to the online learning portal, as well as any resources provided by the facilitator.

*These webinars are NOT offered individually. Please be prepared to commit to the full package in order to protect the integrity of the Knowledge being offered.

Unpacking the 8 Ways: Setting of Place | 1PM Tuesday 18th February, 2025

What do you know of the 8 Ways of learning? This course offers a deep dive into the 8 Aboriginal Ways of Thinking, facilitated by Worimi/Biripi man Uncle Wayne Anderson. These 8 Ways are a bridge between Aboriginal and Western teaching and learning practices that the owners of this knowledge, native to the Western Region of NSW, want to share.

Session 1 of 10, Register to Attend Live ($55.00 AUD/month)

Just what are the journals Uncle Wayne keeps talking about?

If you have come away from attending these sessions and are wondering... 'Just what are the journals Uncle Wayne keeps referencing?' Look no further!

We have embedded the 8 Ways, in consultation with Uncle Wayne, as a monthly discussion prompt in our Reflective Journals designed to support you in taking the knowledge you have gained here to further embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives into your everyday practice.

We've heard from thousands of educators who have used the reflective journals and found them to be a game-changer when it comes to staying organised and continuing to reflect on their practice.

Browse 2025 Reflective Journals

About the 8 Ways

The 8 Ways is a pedagogy framework native to the Western Region of NSW, that allows teachers to include Aboriginal perspectives by using Aboriginal learning techniques. In this way, focus can remain on core curriculum content while embedding Aboriginal perspectives in every lesson. It came from a research project involving DET staff, James Cook University’s School of Indigenous Studies and the Western New South Wales Regional Aboriginal Education Team between 2007 and 2009.

Common Protocol for using the 8 Ways

The 8 ways can be used by anyone, to work with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students. The traditional owners of Western New South Wales should be acknowledged if this is used for any other purpose, and permissions sought via DET's Bangamalanha Centre at Arthur St in Dubbo, Western NSW.

The 8 Ways belong to a place, not a person or organisation. They came from country in Western New South Wales. Baakindji, Ngiyampaa, Yuwaalaraay, Gamilaraay, Wiradjuri, Wangkumarra and other nations own the knowledges this framework came down from.

The 8 Ways pedagogy is not intended to constitute an entire Aboriginal program, but is rather a culturally safe introduction for teachers to begin engaging with Aboriginal knowledge and cross-cultural dialogue in the community. If you use anything from this framework, please respect the communal protocols for knowledge and cross-cultural dialogue ethic.

Simple rule - if you take something, put something back.

Visit the 8 Ways Online Site

Unpacking the 8 Ways

We are delighted to introduce this deep dive into the 8 Aboriginal Ways of Thinking developed as a pedagogy framework native to the Western Region of NSW. This course can be accessed by anyone and anywhere in Australia. We would like to Acknowledge that the weaving of the 8 Ways throughout this learning journey was a collaborative effort with Worimi–Biripi Man Uncle Wayne Anderson.

10 monthly payments of $55.00 AUD